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Celebrating Women’s History Month – Women in Propane: Catherine Quinlivan

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Meet our Director of Safety, Catherine Quinlivan who has been part of Team Suburban Propane for 10 years. Catherine’s initial role at Suburban Propane was in the Mid-Atlantic area as a Safety and Project Engineer. As a result of the company’s growth with the acquisition of Inergy, her position changed to Area 2 Safety Manager. She then became Director of Safety after the retirement of her predecessor in 2015.

Catherine has worked as a Safety Professional for 34 years in the areas of Loss Control, Steel Fabrication, Food Manufacturing (Kellogg’s) and Worldwide Research & Development (electronics). She has remained in the safety field for so many years because she enjoys the unique learning experiences and intellectual challenges that are part of her every day in the industry. Despite her 30+ years of experience, Catherine is “surrounded by people with over 30 years of experience in the propane industry, so I consider myself the ‘Rookie’ in our Safety Department.”

Catherine has remained a dedicated employee because she “couldn’t imagine working with a greater group of individuals than the entire Safety Department including our Area Technicians, Elk Grove Terminal, Safety Managers, Technical Training, and the Compliance Specialists who always encourage me to make a difference in our workplace Safety Program.”

“My family supports my profession in a big way, as travel and being on-call 24/7 are part of my daily schedule…hats off to my husband, four children, my daughter-in-law and two grandchildren for their patience.”

In her spare time, Catherine enjoys gardening, exploring the outdoors, ice hockey and spending time with her pets.

#WMNHIST #WomensHistoryMonth #WomeninPropane #SuburbanCares

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