Important Information Regarding the Wildfires in California

Suburban Propane is closely monitoring the wildfires affecting our customers and communities in California. Instructions on how to safely secure your propane tank and other information can be found HERE.


What is Propane?

Propane (also called LPG-Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LP-Gas) is a liquid fuel stored under pressure. In most systems, propane is vaporized to a gas before it leaves the tank. Propane is highly flammable when mixed with air (oxygen) and can be ignited by many sources, including open flames, smoking materials, electrical sparks, and static electricity. Severe “freeze burn” or frostbite can result if propane liquid comes in contact with your skin.

If you smell, hear, or see gas

  1. NO FLAMES OR SPARKS! Immediately put out all smoking materials and other open flames. Do not operate lights, appliances, telephones, or cell phones. Flames or sparks from these sources can trigger an explosion or fire.
  2. LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY! Get everyone out of the building or area where you suspect gas is leaking.
  3. SHUT OFF THE GAS. Turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank if it is safe to do so. To close the valve, turn it to the right (clockwise).
  4. REPORT THE LEAK. Once you are safely away from the gas leak, call your propane retailer right away. If you can’t reach your propane retailer, call 911 or your local fire department.
  5. DO NOT RETURN TO THE BUILDING OR AREA until your propane retailer, emergency responder, or qualified professional determines that it is safe to do so.
  6. GET YOUR SYSTEM CHECKED. Before you attempt to use any of your propane appliances, your propane retailer or a qualified professional must check your entire system to ensure it is leak-free.

Can you smell it?

Propane gas detectors are recommended

Carbon Monoxide and your safety

Lighting pilot lights

Appliance and system maintenance

Running out of gas

Equipment Awareness

safety tips diagrammobile safety tips diagram

Be prepared for weather-related emergencies

Safe Access

Further consumer safety information


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